Exploring The Impact of August 5, 2019 on Kashmir
Six years long central rule is beginning to yield diminishing returns. Largely, because this arrangement, even if run efficiently, lacks legitimate representative character. However, restoration of peace and normal routine of daily life, compared to the past, stands out as its most significant achievement. It is after a long time that various spheres of public and social life in the state, in general, and the Valley in particular, are back to normal routine without disruption. Sense of relief on that account is palpable. But, at another level, that is not enough nor a substitute for a normal democratic setup at the helm. Denial of popular, representative power structure for too long has its own inherent negative implications. Not only in Kashmir and Jammu regions but also in (separated) UT Ladakh region too law of diminishing returns is becoming more palpable with each passing day. Whenever the assembly polls are held, its outcome would essentially be the first popular v...